[Coco] cc6809 project

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Wed Mar 23 07:53:13 EST 2005

On Mar 23, 2005, at 6:32 AM, Mannequin* wrote:
> I would think that you would need to support the old format as well as 
> the new.
> Maybe make the old format depreciated and never remove it (with the 
> appropriate
> warnings during compile.) This way, those who want to keep the older 
> style can,
> and those who are learning fresh from either Barden or someone else 
> (yes, I know
> it's not quite the same as OS-9 assembly) can use the older code until 
> they
> learn better.

That's why the mamou and other assemblers are still needed, to handle 
"old" formats.  as6809, as in Alan Baldwin's package, falls under the 
"new" assembler heading.

So for example, here's a snippet of code for tee.asm in the "new" 
assembler format:

         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/const.d"
         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/io.d"
         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/ioman.d"
         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/errno.d"
         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/syscall.d"
         .include        "/Users/boisy/Projects/nitros9/defs/module.d"

          .module        Tee,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+0,start,dsize

         .area   _DATA

u0000:    .blkb   1
parray:   .blkb   13
pcount:   .blkb   1
buff:     .blkb   256
           .blkb   450
dsize     ==      .

         .area   _CODE

start:   clrb
          clr   <pcount,u                ; clear path counter
          cmpy  #0h0000          ; any parameters?

Note that 'use' becomes .include (with quotes around the filename), 
'mod' becomes '.module', 'rmb' becomes '.blkb', etc.  In fact, all 
pseudo instructions have a '.' in front of them.

Also, every label is followed by a ':'  and comments in the comment 
field of the instruction line start with ';'.  In fact, all comments 
now start with ';'

Of interest to rma/rlink users is the .area tag.  This is how we 
distinguish code/data aras, etc.

Another interesting note:  hex constants are referenced as 0hXX, not 

So you see, there are some migration issues involved.  I'm working on a 
translator program which will move the files in the NitrOS-9 Project 
from the old format to the new one.  Hand tweaks will still need to be 
made, however.

Moving to this new assembler/linker combination will give us a single 
toolkit for both assembly and C programming, which is quite convenient.

> Just my $0.00. :)
> -M.
> -- 
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Boisy G. Pitre
E-Mail: boisy at boisypitre.com
Mobile: (337) 781-3997
Web: www.boisypitre.com

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