[Coco] Re: Nitros9 and the '86 GIME

mmarlett at isd.net mmarlett at isd.net
Thu Sep 30 12:18:23 EDT 2004


I would but my little free time is being consumed with other CoCo projects.

I thought I had more 86 GIMEs as well. I found two for sure.

I did speak with Boisy this AM on this and he does has some ideas as well
but was headed for school with source on laptop.....:) Got to love it to do



>Charlie wrote:
>>>From my setup:
>>>What are you booting, 6309 or 6809 version, LevelI, LevelII, LevelIII?
>> 6809L2
>>>When does the boot process die, immediately, at the NitrOS-9 Boot
>>>screen, during the module boot listing, after sysgo starts? How much
>>>memory, 128K or 512K?
>> The Nitros9 boot screen, usualy after KREL Boot Kernel ... *CRASH*
>> 128K or 512K
>> Charlie
>OK, what is being described by several people corresponds to a crash 
>either in the models rel, osp1/krn, or boot. Since the crash occurs 
>after rel boot and krn have loaded (see quote above), that means track 
>35 has been loaded, rel has started and initialized the GIME. Rel, boot 
>and os9p1/krn have been relocated in memory, and the code in rel has 
>jumped to os9p1/krn.
>Since the code works with an '87 GIME, we know that rel jumps to the 
>correct location to start os9p1 running. My guess, since as described 
>above very few ..... and no other module names are seen during the boot 
>process, os9p1 is crashing during the setup of the GIME IRQ & SWI 
>routines, before boot tries to load the os9boot file.
>At one time I had an '86 GIME but have not been able to find it. That 
>means I can't do any testing. The way to do the testing would be to put 
>trap routines at strategic stops in rel and os9p1/krn to see exactly 
>just how far the boot process gets. At some point in the sequence of 
>traps, video will get corrupted and we will have found the offending 
>sequence of code. If needed, boot and os9p2/krn2 can also be tested
>Any volunteers?
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