[Coco] Updated KenTon SCSI drivers for OS-9?

James Dessart james at skwirl.ca
Thu Sep 16 07:23:07 EDT 2004

On 15-Sep-04, at 10:19 PM, Allen Huffman wrote:

> My first attempt was to try to write raw sectors out to a CF card, and 
> then read them on the CoCo using ded and create the file from that.  
> No go -- can't find Mac tools that will let me manipulate the disk 
> easily (though I know they have to disk; Norton Disk Doctor, 
> commercial, prolly does it).

If you're running Mac OS X you should be able to use dd and the like, 
as long as you can find the device name (Disk Utility will help there, 
I think).


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