[arg_discuss] Topic of the Week Aug. 3: Show and Tell

David Varela davidvarela at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 15:33:49 EDT 2009

I'll jump in, also with a highlight from Perplex City. The murder of Monica
Grand was my first real piece of ARG work, so it will always have a place in
my heart. As a piece of audio drama, it's still pretty powerful - players
stumbled across this recording not realising what it was, and the sound
effects are really quite graphic. It gave me enormous satisfaction when the
players started reporting it had given them nightmares:


And I suppose the audience reaction is what I'm really looking for. At the
end of Xi, there were a few forum posts that got me a little choked up.
Here's one:

So it's not just about the craft, it's about how it moves people. That's
what really makes me proud.

David Varela


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Andrea Phillips <andrhia at gmail.com> wrote:


> With that in mind, this week's topic is Show and Tell: In your body of

> work, what are the couple of things you've done that you're the

> absolute most proud of? I'm not talking an entire project, mind --

> just small, individual pieces of the larger whole. A video clip, a

> puzzle design, a spectacular venue find for an event... what have you

> got? I know it's a hard question, and could be akin to "which one was

> your favorite chocolate chip in the cookie," but see what you can come

> up with. ^_^


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