[arg_discuss] Topic of the Week Aug. 3: Show and Tell

Andrea Phillips andrhia at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 14:53:34 EDT 2009

We have a lot of amazing people who have done a lot of amazing things
here. I wish more of you were more forthright about telling us what
you're doing and what you're especially proud of. A surprisingly
modest crew, you are.

With that in mind, this week's topic is Show and Tell: In your body of
work, what are the couple of things you've done that you're the
absolute most proud of? I'm not talking an entire project, mind --
just small, individual pieces of the larger whole. A video clip, a
puzzle design, a spectacular venue find for an event... what have you
got? I know it's a hard question, and could be akin to "which one was
your favorite chocolate chip in the cookie," but see what you can come
up with. ^_^

For me, I'm still very proud of a blog post I wrote at the end of the
first season of Perplex City:

I felt like it captured a lot of raw emotion from that character, who
had been through a lot and really transformed over the course of the
game. And to some extent that character was speaking with the voice of
the players, some of whom felt betrayed by that character's sister in
the same way that Scarlett herself felt betrayed. It just felt like
really good work at the time...

I'm also outlandishly proud of Breeder, the little Routes Facebook
widget: http://www.routesgame.com/games/?challengeId=1

It has some interface hiccups, but I was trying to design a fun and
cute demonstration of non-Mendelian heredity -- educational without
bludgeoning you over the head with it.

So! What have you got? Link us up!

Andrea Phillips
AIM: Andrh1a * Skype: Andrhia
Words * Culture * Interaction

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