[arg_discuss] ARGology stuff

Morbus Iff morbus at disobey.com
Thu May 8 15:20:11 EDT 2008

> Speaking of Drupal...My account has several "One-Click Installs" that are

> really easy. Drupal is not one of them, *however* it does have Joomla!

> and Pligg, which are also "open source content management systems".

Generally speaking, one-click installs from hosts, I've found, have been
the devil. They're either really old (security holes up the butt), or
they're done in such a way that you can't work with them like you would
if you just installed from scratch.

Morbus Iff ( there is no morbus, there is only zuul! )
Technical: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779
Enjoy: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.videounderbelly.com/
aim: akaMorbus / skype: morbusiff / icq: 2927491 / jabber.org: morbus

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