[arg_discuss] How frequently do players interact with ARGs?

Alex Fleetwood alexfleetwood at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 09:51:32 EST 2008

HI, resending this as it hasn't come through yet... just testing!



On 8 Feb 2008, at 10:23, Alex Fleetwood wrote:

> Hi all,


> I've been thinking about the question of frequency of engagement

> with an ARG across a wide player base. If you want your ARG to

> appeal to a wide variety of people, it seems like you need to do

> (*at least*) two things. 1. Design content and games that appeal to

> them & 2. Fit engagement with the ARG around their existing

> internet habits. As a rule of thumb, on the games I've already been

> involved in you can seem to reckon on players checking in to the

> game once every three days or so. But, that's like rule of thumb

> from a small, engaged player base, so not that scalable. Is anyone

> on the SIG aware of any data out there on either:

> - the frequency of different types of player making time to play ARGs

> - the frequency with which different Internet users go online?


> Hoping you can help, thanks in advance


> Alex



Alex Fleetwood
07900 692150
alexfleetwood at googlemail.com

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