[arg_discuss] How frequently do players interact with ARGs?

Alex Fleetwood alexfleetwood at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 05:23:13 EST 2008

Hi all,

I've been thinking about the question of frequency of engagement with
an ARG across a wide player base. If you want your ARG to appeal to a
wide variety of people, it seems like you need to do (*at least*) two
things. 1. Design content and games that appeal to them & 2. Fit
engagement with the ARG around their existing internet habits. As a
rule of thumb, on the games I've already been involved in you can
seem to reckon on players checking in to the game once every three
days or so. But, that's like rule of thumb from a small, engaged
player base, so not that scalable. Is anyone on the SIG aware of any
data out there on either:
- the frequency of different types of player making time to play ARGs
- the frequency with which different Internet users go online?

Hoping you can help, thanks in advance


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