[arg_discuss] Random replies

varin varineq at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 15:34:47 EDT 2007

> Actually, it was a very good video game. ;)

I wouldn't say it was bad--I enjoyed it, but it wasn't in my top ten. But
I'm stingy with my video game ratings :P

> The point of Eternal Darkness' "sanity effects" was to show that reality

> was

> breaking down for your character. In some cases they did this by trying to

> directly manipulate the *player*--with the "volume" going down, the

> BSoD...

That's where I think the design flaw was. While I liked the idea that the
gamemakers were pushing boundaries by mixing (what appeared to be) real
world elements into the game, they never really explained it. I would have
liked a clearer explanation as to why these things were happening to *me*.
Perhaps something in the vein of The Ring.

Fancy doodads are nice, but they're nicer if there for a good reason.


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