[arg_discuss] Random replies

John Evans btradish at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 18 14:13:44 EDT 2007

>...wait, isn't this what we mean by organic design?

I think you want the Sex in Games SIG ML, down the hall...

>Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube would "mess with" your Gamecube System

>and therefore peek through the membrane.


>I think at one point it also appeared to shut off or reboot your Gamecube.

You're probably thinking of the appearance of the (fake) Blue Screen of
Death...while fighting zombies.

> It wasn't necessarily

>a good video game, but was a very interesting experiment.

Actually, it was a very good video game. ;)

The point of Eternal Darkness' "sanity effects" was to show that reality was
breaking down for your character. In some cases they did this by trying to
directly manipulate the *player*--with the "volume" going down, the BSoD...
One particularly cruel effect made it look like your save files were being
deleted. The thing is, I'm still on the fence about whether these were
*effective*...Memorable, yes, in the sense of "I can't believe that game
actually did that"; but given that the game was trying to evoke a horrible
*world*, was it really worth it to break the "curtain" and remind the player
it was only a game? Hmmm...


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