[arg_discuss] TINAG and the curtain: necessary?

Andrea Phillips andrhia at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 12:19:08 EDT 2007

On 9/17/07, Brian Clark <bclark at gmdstudios.com> wrote:

> Realize I personally don't buy into the distinction between the two, which

> is why I put them in double-quotes ... because other people use them as a

> division :)

Hmm. Reading back over it, could the distinction be games that are
marketing efforts for an already-existing product, vs. games that are
designed in conjunction with a product to go to market? In the second
case, the game is a legitimate (and maybe integral) part of the
product and experience. In which case I'd say, yeah, Blair Witch feels
like it falls into the second category.


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