[arg_discuss] Introductions

Deb Fuller debfuller at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 07:22:35 EST 2007

Hi all,

I'm Deb Fuller and I am an instructional designer/education specialist
and been involved with the gaming industry on the side. I've written
and run live action games in the US and UK, play tested board games
and RPG game systems, and written for a few games magazines such as
Games, Games, Games. I'm new to ARG development and like to learn more
about it for use in education/instructional design as well as get more
involved in the games industry as a whole. I think educators/ISDs are
slowly learning about good game design (as opposed to making tired
Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit clones) and starting to produce better
educational games but there's still a long way to go in the field.
Likewise, I'd like to see more games designers get involved in
education as well.

Looking forward to the discussions on this list.


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