[arg_discuss] [pm] Commercial vs. Grassroots, Player or PM?

despain at quantumcontent.com despain at quantumcontent.com
Sat Apr 8 02:48:02 EDT 2006

"D. Cook" <me at addlepated.net> wrote on Fri, March 31, 2006 7:18 pm:
> Parenthetically funny, even though I've been a PM or BTS on 6 games
> or more, I still feel like a kid in Mommy's shoes when I post to this
> list.  While Unfiction may intimidate some players, some of _your_
> credentials and post-name initials intimidate _me_.

See? Every online community has its politics and problems. :-)

Personally, I feel like an outsider here because I don't post on Unfiction
and a lot of you know each other from there. I don't know how much of it
is intentional, or how much extra I'm reading into it, but when I posted
about Unfiction it sparked a great deal of debate. When "Michael Monello"
<mike at haxan.com> posted about it, in a similar vein to what I said, no one
debated his points.

Of course, this could be because I posted at the beginning of the thread
and he posted near the end, but to me (an outsider) it _feels_ like
Michael's built up enough of a reputation with you all - on Unfiction -
that no one sees a need to counter his remarks.

Though I suppose it could be the haxan.com in his e-mail address. I don't
know. Heh. Maybe we all need code names for this mailing list. :-)

Wendy Despain

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