[Coco] Modern monitors that work on CoCo 3 and MM/1

Andrew Ayers keeper63 at cox.net
Thu Mar 6 17:04:16 EST 2025

I'm sure you'd agree that there is still merit in the need for such 
adapters, simply because there are likely tons of LCD monitors 
retro-tech people own and use that don't have "FreeSync" in them.

While I don't need any such adapter today (if anything, I have way too 
many such "adapters" in some form or another), if I did have such a 
need, I don't think I'd go out and buy a new monitor instead of an 
adapter, unless the monitor was cheaper, and I knew for certain it would 
work with the system(s) I already have.

I think this "FreeSync" technology definitely warrants further review 
and experimentation, though.

I also noticed that there's also something called "GSync" out there, but 
I have no idea if it is the same kind of thing, or whether it allows 
what is being seen with "FreeSync".

I think all of these "sync-ing" technologies should probably be 
documented and tested for "retrocomputing" and "retrogaming" purposes, 
as much as possible...

Andrew L. Ayers
Glendale, Arizona

On 3/5/25 11:18 PM, coco-request at maltedmedia.com wrote:
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 21:15:13 -0600
> From: Allen Huffman<alsplace at pobox.com>
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts<coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Subject: [Coco] Modern monitors that work on CoCo 3 and MM/1
> Message-ID:<9FCEEACB-D542-414A-946A-914907C4331B at pobox.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8
> With the recent ?discovery? that some ?FreeSync? monitors will work with
>   a CoCo 3 with just a cable, David Ladd did a test to see if the
> FreeSync monitor he already had would work with the MM/1 ? and it does.
> How long has this been a thing? Why are we inventing adapters and FPGAs
> and PI based converters if monitors exist? 🙂

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