[Coco] This did not work adding t2

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 17:57:06 EST 2025

On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 4:27 PM plt via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> I need /t2 and should have never been removed from Nitros9. There has to
> be a way to work around the issue?

If you are trying to use the actual /t2 and the 6551 driver in NitrOS-9 it
is in the drivers folder.
Most people do not have RS-232 Pak's and to save on RAM only common modules
are installed by default.
For specific modules I found it easier to add them with KWIKGEN.

As far as using the actual 6551 driver and /t2 descriptor to talk to
DriveWire you are going to have to write a brand new driver to work through
/t2 for that and also with IRQ's on your going to be limited to about 1200
to 2400 baud.

That is why there is a dedicated DWIO driver written specifically to talk
to the 6551 directly with IRQ's turned off to get the 115200 baud speed.

Though it will be interesting to see what you can do though.

> <cut>

David Ladd

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