[Coco] Who was REMCON in Australia?

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Mar 2 14:06:40 EST 2025

On Mar 2, 2025, at 1:39 AM, Stan Blazejewski via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
> G'day Allen,
> Sorry can't be of much help as Remcon only traded for a few years (it was a side line hobby) and closed up shop probably more that 20 years ago.  The guy who ran it was Fred Remin and we lived close to each other as well as members of the same CoCo Club.   He was in the army and moved interstate and that was the last I heard of Fred and Remcon.

Thanks! Now I have a name, I can see if I can find old emails and such. I had completely forgotten forgot I made an Australian version of this game, and that it released in AU before US :)

While I have scanned all my CoCoFest papers (flyers, show guides, etc.) and uploaded them to the archive (ten years ago), I have never done that with any of the Sub-Etha Software paperwork. Most would not be for public archive - like I have all the sales books we ever used, recording every sale we ever made mail order or at CoCoFests - but it would be nice to preserve some of the company history so I can update my website to mention things like Remcon.

Clearly, my memory won’t do it.

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