[Coco] Who was REMCON in Australia?

Stan Blazejewski stanblaz at optusnet.com.au
Sun Mar 2 02:39:38 EST 2025

G'day Allen,

Sorry can't be of much help as Remcon only traded for a few years (it 
was a side line hobby) and closed up shop probably more that 20 years 
ago.  The guy who ran it was Fred Remin and we lived close to each other 
as well as members of the same CoCo Club.   He was in the army and moved 
interstate and that was the last I heard of Fred and Remcon.

On 2/03/2025 4:52 pm, Allen Huffman via Coco wrote:
> My memory is lacking. In Australia, REMCON distributed my OS-9 game Invaders09. I ran accord the source was a “-au” in the filename and that made me go digging. I had posted all these legacy files to my GitHub a few years ago, but did not notice it at that time:
> https://github.com/allenhuffman/Invaders09/blob/main/legacy/invaders0.09-au.asm
> " fcb $d,$a,$d,$a
>   fcc "This is a special Pre-Release version distributed exclusively in"
>   fcb $d,$a
>   fcc "Australia by REMCON.”
> REMCON, are you out there?
> --
> Allen Huffman - PO Box 7634 - Urbandale IA 50323 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT only)
> http://www.subethasoftware.com - https://www.facebook.com/subethasoftware
Australia isn't "down under", it's "off to one side"!

https://www.cobracat.com (home of the Australian Cobra Catamaran)
https://www.revolutionise.com.au/parkdaleyacht/ (where most of them sail)
https://catsailor.net (where we talk about them)

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