[Coco] reading second side of real floppy disk on VCC

robert.gault at att.net robert.gault at att.net
Sun May 5 17:14:08 EDT 2024

I assumed you would be familiar with VCC. VCC requires a disk rom to be present in the folder being used. That .rom needs to be configured for two sided .dsk images. You can only read .dsk images not actual floppies without a lot more work. There is a table in the disk rom at $D7AA-$D7AD that defines the type of disks being used. The default values are 1 , 2 , 4 , and $40 which are for single sided disks. These values need to be changed for double sided disks to 1, 2, $41, and $42. So you must either change your disk.rom image or tell VCC in the menu you are using your own .rom image which has the above values. One more issue is having a .dsk formatted correctly for double sided use. If I remember correctly, the tracks alternate between side A and side B. If you don't have double sided images, you can use VCC to create them. With an altered .rom, format an image mounted in drive0 with DSKINI0 and DSKINI2. Then mount a .dsk image of the front side of your disk in drive1 and BACK
 UP drive 1 to drive 0. Mount an image of the back side of your disk in drive1 and then backup drive 1 to drive 2. You should then have a double sided image.I have my VCC set to use a "hard drive" and double sided .dsk images. With a hard drive image in use, you can have a very large OS9 section on the hard drive and 256 single sided 35 track disk images also on the hard drive which can be Disk Basic or OS9 format.Sent from my LG Mobile------ Original message------From: Bruce W. Calkins via Coco Date: Sun, May 5, 2024 4:35 PMTo: coco at maltedmedia.com;Cc: Bruce W. Calkins;Subject:Re: [Coco] reading second side of real floppy disk on VCC
On 5/5/24 14:25, RETRO Innovations via Coco wrote:
> On 5/5/2024 5:18 AM, robert.gault--- via Coco wrote:
>> Depends how the "drives" have been defined in VCC. Typically they are 
>> 0 and 2 for the sides of the first drive and 1 and 3 for the sides of 
>> the second drive. So DIR2 most likely will get the second side of your 
>> drive.
> We defined drive A and disk 0, but dir 2 yields nothing, but an error.
> Jim
> I have not worked with VCC, but have other emulators.  What occurs to me 
is the question as to what "disks" are loaded in drive 1, 2, & 3?  each 
virtual drive needs a "disk" loaded in that drive to be able to read it.

Bruce W.

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