[Coco] Telephone System

Patrick Ulland rickulland1 at gmail.com
Fri May 3 07:10:18 EDT 2024

No worries, I will take it all back home. Just some eye candy to dress 
the table with 'phone stuff' if you want.  The acoustic coupler needs an 
old black dial phone, but the butt set and modem 1Bs (switchable 
org/ans) might work!  Anyway, buried in the car for potential play value.


On 5/2/2024 7:55 PM, johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com wrote:
> Ricku,
> I may not have time to look at all that and learn how to use it in 15
> minutes.
> You can bring it if you like, but I do not think I have time for it.
> My wife wants to get rid of stuff and not bring a lot more stuff home.
> I am hoping to get a job soon and will not likely have much time for it.
> -John Mark Mobley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of Patrick Ulland via
> Coco
> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 8:09 AM
> To: John Mark Mobley via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Cc: Patrick Ulland <rickulland1 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Telephone System
> On 4/30/2024 8:51 PM, John Mark Mobley via Coco wrote:
>> All,
>> Please see the link below. It is a schematic drawing.
> Digging CoCo stuff out of the attic, found some old callcenter stuff. If
> you'd like to use any for set dress, let me know and I'll bring it tomorrow.
> (already) We did voice in, fax or modem out. Two JTFax cards in a 386 PC,
> four PCs in a rack - 8 line fax. The serial printer users got a multiport
> serial adapter (later, heartless USB version shown) feeding a rack of these
> modems, which don't overheat when stacked properly and might accept a
> headset, except one would never steal a modem line for unrecorded outbound
> calls. Reliability stack. The OpenVox is a T1 failover switch for dual pbx.
> Option 2 was the bane of summer nights, my personal ISDN router. Irony, I
> had to replace the butt set about 15 minutes before the callcenter went
> digital phone. A couple genuine Tandy. Accoustic cup adapter for unknown
> Tandy modem, and a good start to a wall of modem 1b.
> See you at the fest!
> -ricku
> --
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