[Coco] The Glenside CCC Business Metting is 7-11-2024

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 08:48:46 EDT 2024


Unless you hear otherwise the Business Meeting is Thursday 7-11-2024.
Check the website for updates.

You can nag the webmaster and such using the following link:
Look for the links next to the following names.

President: Jim Brain
Vice President: John Mark Mobley
Secretary: Brian Wieseler
Treasurer: Eric Canales

Newsletter Editor: Grant Bloedow
Club Librarian: Brian Goers
CoCo Historian: Boisy Pitre
CoCoFEST! Coordinator: Grant Leighty
Information Systems: Randy Weaver
Digital Communications: Eric Canales
Registrar: Rich Bair

I am on vacation and may not be able to do much.
I may not be at the meeting.

John Mark Mobley

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