[Coco] LWTOOLS for Raspberry Pi

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 18:43:16 EDT 2024


LWASM is working on the Raspberry Pi!
ToolShed is working on the Raspberry Pi!
I am running XRoar in a web browser.
I am running a debugger in a web browser. http://6809.uk/ (not https but I
find it ok to use)

So, I have some one-bit code working...

LWASM is a macro assembler, so I am using macros.

This is what my code currently looks like.

        ; temp is a byte
        ; load_bit_adress temp_bit1
        ; ldx #temp ; byte address
        ; ldb #1        ; bit address

        lda  #3
        sta  temp
        load_bit_address temp_bit_0
        jsr  load_bit
        load_bit_address temp_bit_1
        jsr  and_bit
        load_bit_address temp_bit_2
        jsr  store_bit
        jsr  not_bit
        load_bit_address temp_bit_3
        jsr  store_bit
        load_bit_address temp_bit_0
        jsr  load_bit
        jsr  PrintNum
        load_bit_address temp_bit_1
        jsr  load_bit
        jsr  PrintNum
        load_bit_address temp_bit_2
        jsr  load_bit
        jsr  PrintNum
        load_bit_address temp_bit_3
        jsr  load_bit
        jsr  PrintNum
        lda  #CR        ;print a carriage return
        jsr  [$A002]

Thanks, Lost Wizard, whoever you are!
Thanks, Mr. ToolShed, whoever you are!
Thanks, Cliaran Anscomb, whoever you are!

Oh! And if you have to ask why, then you are not worthy.

-John Mark Mobley

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