[Coco] Bob Swoger's declining health

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 17:11:12 EST 2022


Bob Swoger is not doing well. He is in the hospital and cannot have visitors
at this time. For now, his wife can visit him two days a week for 1 hour.
Bob has many problems, and his wife may not be able to care for him by
herself at home much longer. She may need to get additional help or put him
in a nursing home. I don't know if Bob will recover or not. He has been
declining steadily since Thanksgiving.

Bob refused for years to see a doctor, so he did not know he had a problem.
This problem went for years untreated and now Bob is facing the
consequences. Learn from his mistake and have a checkup with your doctor
from time to time.

Bob is a Christian, so I am not worried about his fate.

The last I talked to Bob he was trying in make an improvement to LogiCall.
Bob loves LogiCall and thinks you should too. LogiCall is a small program,
but Bob also modified 100s of programs to automatically call LogiCall on
exit. So, Bob has put a lot of work into the LogiCall ensemble. I think this
is what keeps him going. LogiCall allows you select a *.BAS file from a
menu/directory listing and run it. It allows you select an image file from a
directory listing and view it. It has a prompt where if you type "W" and
then hit enter, it will run a word processor. And he would say, "Isn't that
logical/LogiCall?" LogiCall runs in the Virtual Color Computer (VCC)

I made a video of Bob demonstrating LogiCall on a Timex/Sinclair 2068 in
2011, see link below:

I pray that Bob's remaining days in this life are peaceful.

Send nice thoughts/prayers his way.

John Mark Mobley

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