[Coco] What does it mean to be a member of the CoCo community?

Zippster zippster278 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 15:25:01 EDT 2017

Hello Steve (and all),

Here’s my story in joining the group...

I am somewhat of a newcomer too, I think I joined the list sometime in 2014.
At that time, I was only vaguely aware of what a Color Computer was to tell
the truth.  I’d always been into computers and had had a habit of collecting and
playing with old systems for many years.

One day, I found myself looking at two old machines I had snagged off of eBay.
What the heck were these?  I started searching the web and learning a bit, and
discovered I had a couple of CoCo2’s.

I didn’t have any disk or cassette drives for these things, so I went searching about
for some kind of storage, and learned about the CoCo SDC.  And that’s when I 
fount the email list here…

Anyway, I couldn’t get an SDC as no one was making them at the time.  I just happened
to come along at a time when there were some others that wanted them as well and
were discussing on the group as to whether Darren would allow someone to
produce them.  He replied that he didn’t have a problem with that, and I jumped at
the opportunity.  Badly wanting a couple for myself, I volunteered to produce a run.

I opened up a list for interested parties, and had to cap it at 100 SDC's before I got in 
over my head!   It was my first time doing a run of anything you see…

Making these, and getting them sent out to everybody, I got to know the CoCoList
group, and realized what a great community was here, with a lot of history.

I’d been pretty heavy into the N8VEM group, building lots of single board and bus
based computers and experimenting with hardware and software there.  So what I
found in the CoCo group fit with my interests very well, with it’s great history of
hardware and software projects, etc…

So I came looking for a CoCo SDC, and stayed for the great group I found here.

Since then there’s been a lot of fun projects, and I’ve really tried my best to contribute
to this great community, which welcomed me in as if I had always been a part of it.

It’s been awesome to see the revival of interest and activity that’s been going on for
some time now, with new people joining in, and so many hardware and software
projects being pursued.

What I’d consider the CoCo community online is this mailing list, the Facebook group,
and the CoCoFPGA group mostly.  The MC-10 and Dragon groups are also closely related and
kind of an extension of our community in some ways as well.

Now to your questions… (These are all just my opinions.)

>   - Is there a hierarchy to it?

No, not really.  It seems to be a pretty informal community.  
Everyone pursues and involves themselves in things as they see fit.
There’s no real hierarchy, though I suppose we do have “prominent” members,
based on how active they are in the community, or their long-standing
participation in all things CoCo...

>   - Is there a reluctance to accept "newcomers"

That sure hasn’t been what I’ve observed or experienced.  Everyone is welcome.

>   - How do the veterans feel about newcomers

I guess they’ll have to answer that one, I don’t think I’m a veteran yet… 
I think they are glad to see the interest in the CoCo.

>   - What are the "requirements" to be "accepted" or be deemed "legitimate"

Have an interest in these machines?  Join the group(s)?

>   - Is there an actual "Great divide" between OS9 and RS-DOS?

Maybe.  People seem to either love it or run away from it (OS9).   :D

I guess that’s it…  Hopefully this was what you were looking for, and not just me rambling…   :)

By the way Steve, you’re contributing a lot to the group with what you’ve been doing.
Very good for our community I think!

- Ed

> On Apr 4, 2017, at 10:05 AM, Steve Strowbridge <ogsteviestrow at gmail.com> wrote:
> So maybe this post will spark some interests and response, but as I compile
> my thoughts and experiences of being a part of several CoCo channels, such
> as this list, the Facebook page, The Podcast, the comments I get from
> around the web on YouTube, it really got me thinking, what does it mean to
> be a member of the CoCo community?
>   - Is there a hierarchy to it?
>   - Is there a reluctance to accept "newcomers"
>   - How do the veterans feel about newcomers
>   - What are the "requirements" to be "accepted" or be deemed "legitimate"
>   - Is there an actual "Great divide" between OS9 and RS-DOS?
>   - You name it
> All these thoughts and ideas are in the minds of many because I see
> questions and comments about them in the various locations I mentioned.
> I've heard the term CoCo Luminary mentioned quite a bit, when referring to
> someone, and I actually like that word, it makes me think of the illuminati
> and the big pyramid eye in the sky.
> Certainly there are some founding father type figures that have done major
> things to the past and present of the CoCo's history, and those people
> deserve proper respect and recognition.
> I myself am still very much a newcomer, I've only known about the community
> for less than 2 years, and from my experience, I've made a lot of friends
> and gained an extended family.
> I am not technical in the electronics or software development arenas, but
> have a fond appreciation for both, and the people working on projects in
> both areas.
> My first interactions were on Google+ which led me to Facebook, which led
> me learning about the CoCo underdog book, the CoCo Crew Podcast, and the
> people who are still talking about this computer every day.
> I don't feel like I have any "place" or "level" in this perceived hierarchy
> (nor am I seeking any), I'm just a member of this community.
> I have been very fortunate to have some of the legends of CoCo creation
> spend time with me and give interviews, and even become friends, and I am
> humbled by that, but don't in any way think that has "elevated my status."
> I have asked other people do do interviews about their projects, and some
> people feel that what they are doing is "not worthy" of what other people
> have done or are doing.
> I think that anybody who is doing anything to help keep the CoCo alive and
> well in their hearts, and in the hearts of others, is an equal member of
> the community, and regardless of how technical you are, or aren't I would
> hope we should all feel the same about each other.
> So the combination of my simple mind and big heart think, that no matter
> what you are doing with or for the CoCo, you should feel proud about it,
> and share it with the community.
> Well that's just me, I've always been naive and a big pie in the sky kind
> of guy, but hopefully these are some great starting points to get people to
> weigh in, love to hear many points of views and perspectives.
> And maybe, this can be the topic, or one of the topics we discuss this
> Sunday on CoCoTALK!
> Steve Strowbridge, aka
> The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
> http://ogsteviestrow.com
> ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

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