[Coco] Glenside IDE Interface Setup

jasmaz jasmaz at sdf.org
Sun Apr 2 17:23:14 EDT 2017

Hello All,

I'm curious if I bring my CoCo 2 and Glenside IDE Interface to CoCoFest 
if may be able enlist someone's assistance in setting it up. I purchased 
it a few years back but have not made the time to set it up.

I can burn an EPROM for it in advance of the show. I just need to be sure 
I'm selecting the correct ROM image and if there is any other hardware I 
need to interface it.

I can't remember if the Glenside IDE Interface board has an populated 
ROM socket or if I need to install a card edge connector and acquire a 
cartridge board.

Thank you,

Jim Mazurek

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