[Coco] Walkthrough for Star Commander ?

Guillaume Major guillaume.major at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 12:36:46 EST 2016

The full walkthrough for Star Commander I is now available on the Color 
Computer Archive:




"Guillaume Major" <guillaume.major at gmail.com> 
a écrit dans le message de news:o31ju1$eh$1 at blaine.gmane.org...
>> Have you had time to get any further in this game? I can get into the 
>> hall past the guard and have found several items. What I can't do is use 
>> any of those items nor get out to a shuttle.
> Yes, I have completed the game to the end (as far as it was finished).
>> What I find very irritating about this game is that you must be in 
>> specific locations for certain actions to take place.
> I agree with you that the interaction with the inventory items could have 
> been improved and the messages more helpful, but it's not worse than the 
> majority of the adventure games available for the Coco.
>> Have you noticed if you Look at the photo in your inventory you get the 
>> message, "You see a beautiful picture of Rebecca with HIS father."
> This is my mistake! There is an issue with the code displaying the photo 
> (on the PC as well). It could crash the interpreter depending in which 
> room you invoke the command. There was no easy solution to fix this 
> problem and since the photo itself was not important for the story, I 
> decided to replace it by this message but I did a grammar error. I will 
> correct the message to read "with HER father" and update the archive.
> To get you started, I wrote the walkthrough for the beginning of the game:
> *** Star Commander I Walkthrough ***
> GET AXE. Move over to the left hand side of the middle rock formation and
> USE AXE. GET CRYSTAL (3 times). GET ROCK. Move to the next screen on the
> right and TALK to the GIRL. She will give you the coordinates for planet
> Telbin. OPEN ENVELOPE. READ LETTER. Move to the bottom of the screen and
> to next screen on the right. Hide behind the big rock formation and THROW
> ROCK AT ANTENNA. SEARCH GUARD. You will find a keycard. GET KEYCARD. Take
> the elevator.
> Aliens might appear randomly in the hallway when exiting a room. If it
> happens, just restore your game and try again.
> Walk left to the next room and enter the right door. Move to the shelf and
> TAKE GAS MASK. Exit the storage room and enter the left door. Walk to the
> storage box on the right and OPEN DRAWER. You will find a shuttle key.
> TAKE KEY. CLOSE DRAWER. Exit the control room and move to the left.
> Walk to the control panel at the right hand side of the door and INSERT
> KEYCARD IN SLOT. The door will open. Exit through the door and enter the
> shuttle.
> PRESS BUTTON to close the right door. Walk down to enter the engine room.
> Move at the back of the room and TAKE LIGHTER. Walk to the reactor door
> and OPEN DOOR. GET CRYSTAL to remove the old crystal. INSERT CRYSTAL IN
> REACTOR. CLOSE DOOR. Walk down to go back to the next room. Walk to the
> control room door and PRESS BUTTON. Enter the control room.
> Your shuttle will take off in space. PRESS NAVIGATIONAL BUTTON. Enter the
> coordinates: X=32, Y=56, Z=23. PRESS HYPERWARP BUTTON. Wait until you
> receive a message saying that Planet Telbin is reached. PRESS LAND BUTTON.
> Your shuttle will land on Telbin.
> I hope it helps.
> Enjoy!
> Guillaume
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