[Coco] tandy 512k board and the triad board & MPI test

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sun Mar 29 20:31:03 EDT 2015

On Sunday 29 March 2015 19:42:43 Mark Marlette wrote:
> Gene,
> Yes and no.
> As of right now I have no pans to allow access to the extra 512k on
> the Triad. The only reason is by the time you are done, for a few
> dollars more, you have the SB.

Chuckle, I guess this qualifies then as asking about it for 2015 then. :)

But I'll point out that so far, thats been made out of pure unobtainium. 
But we knew that already.  ;-)

Carry on.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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