[Coco] Error in Sourceforge NitrOS-9/level2/coco3_6309/scripts/mb.dw

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 07:13:34 EDT 2015

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015, Bill Pierce via Coco wrote:

> I am working on a table now of all dependencies using ID numbers for 
> quick searching/sorting of the parent/child relationships. There are 7 
> different tables representing the different machines. This is not even 
> beginning to include things like; if DW drivers are selected, then 
> bitbanger drivers must be marked as unavailable as both cannot be used 
> in the same boot.  Things like this just complicate the flags and are 
> what's holding back program developement.

I can well appreciate the complexity of what you're trying to do, and 
appreciate the effort.  It took the Linux kernel developers many years to 
get this right.


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