[Coco] Backing up a HD to an SD

George Ramsower georgera at gvtc.com
Sat Jun 13 13:10:59 EDT 2015

On 6/13/2015 11:43 AM, Gene Heskett wrote
>>    It's interesting how discussing this brings back my memories from
>> the past. I remember now ....
>>    After "dsave" makes the script to copy all the stuff, I then would
>> use "sled" to edit the file to alter the existing commands to chd to
>> an existing directory and then copy all the files into that directory.
>> I THINK, copy has an attribute to make it overwrite and existing file
>> when it saves it. I have to check on that.
> That it has had for quite a while, but the makdir command, until I fixed
> it 2 or 3 years ago, returned an error 218 if the directory existed,
> which could kill the script needlessly.  I fixed it to just gobble up
> the 218's based on its not being an error to try to make a new dir if
> its already there.  Works a treat.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

  That is exactly why I had to modify the "dsave" script. To work around 
that. Once I get that "main" coco all fixed up and connected to this W7 
box. Then I can work on transferring that makdir command which you made.
  Right now, I have to get that coco up and running again. Quite a few 
steps to get to that end.

George R

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