[Coco] RGB2VGA Adapter Progress? - Update Please

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Thu Jun 11 17:30:55 EDT 2015

Even though I suggested the heat gun method earlier, I concur on this 
method too.  I'm not bragging but I have hand-soldered literally tens of 
thousands of holes and I've had to de-solder a few too.  The method 
described below will work reliably.

Dave Philipsen

On 6/11/2015 10:42 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2015, Kip Koon wrote:
>> The connectors for the two 40 pin GPIO ports are here so all I'm 
>> waiting on to arrive is the Vacuum Desoldering Gun.  I can then begin 
>> finalizing completion of all the PCBs.
> Kip, you may find it simpler to pull (or break) off the plastic 
> carrier on the existing male headers and yank them one at a time by 
> heating the bottom of the board with the iron and grabbing them with 
> long-nose pliers on the top.  In this case, you might actually want to 
> _add_ solder first to help with heat conduction. From my experience 
> you are less likely to damage traces using this approach.  Unless you 
> are very lucky, you'll find it's difficult to clear 34 pins completely 
> and if one is hanging on slightly, you'll rip a trace.
> After the pins are gone, the desoldering tool can make quick work of 
> clearing the holes (with solderwick for stubborn holes).

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