[Coco] XPander-Coco lives!

Mark Marlette mmarlette at frontiernet.net
Mon Aug 31 20:58:54 EDT 2015


The only thing that I can think of is SLENB*. It is used to get the ghosting of certain floppy disk controllers off the bus. This is for ROM access only. The IDE hardware is IOmapped at $FF50-$FF59 by default.

Jim O. contacted me today and indicated that his sIDE was defective.  If it was inserted with power applied it is more than likely bad. Maybe that is why it didn't work if you are handling SLENB* properly. 

To date that has been the only problem with returned sIDEs for repair.




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From:"RETRO Innovations" <go4retro at go4retro.com>
Date:Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 7:03 PM
Subject:[Coco] XPander-Coco lives!

For those who care, I was able to have folks test my MPI replacement at 
the recent VCF-MW show.  They ran it through paces, and things worked 
well.  There were, however, two issues I need to disposition:

1) No power switch on the unit.  I didn't think of needing it, but one 
should power off the unit when swapping carts.  I will add a suitable 
switch.  No issues there.
2) SuperIDE did not seem to like being in the MPI with other FD500/FD501 
carts.  My understanding is that they work in the original MPI, so I 
need to figure out what makes SuperIDE special and address that issue.  
I am hoping Mark will see this and can offer some suggestions.  CocoSDC 
and the FDXXX carts worked fine, so I think the concern with with 
SuperIDE alone.

I am sure folks got some pics at the show, so I'll let others send links.


RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems

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