[Coco] DECB and BACKUP

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Sun Aug 30 19:11:33 EDT 2015

There are ways to modify the BACKUP command to do what you want, but they
require some knowledge of 6809 coding and the inner workings of Basic.  So
if you need to return to Basic, you probably want to avoid using BACKUP.

A wildcard COPY utility might be suitable for what you want, if it wouldn't
be incompatible with CoCoSDC use.  One such (WCOPY.BIN) is included on the
Extended ADOS-3 disk, available in the list archives.  It modifies the COPY
command to allow COPY *.* to <destination drive number>, returning control
to Basic on completion.  It possibly requires booting up (un-Extended)
ADOS-3 first.

If that would be incompatible with the CoCoSDC, then your best bet would
probably be a sector-by-sector copy using DSKI$ and DSKO$, or repeated
calls to DSKCON to do the equivalent.  It would be substantially slower
than the BACKUP command, though.


On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Ron <ron at kdomain.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Is there a way to do BACKUPs in DECB without it clearing the contents of
> the BASIC program in memory?
> I'm trying to transfer many floppy disks to a CoCoSDC and the BACKUP
> command works great.  I wrote something that helps speed the process up,
> but the BASIC program is gone when the BACKUP operation completes.  I
> thought I remember reading something about BACKUP needing as much RAM as it
> can to do what it does.  I'm just looking for a way around this so the
> running program will continue.
> Thanks!
> -Ron
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