[Coco] Now Running the CoCo 3 on and LCD TV with a Composite to HDMI Converter...

Steve Batson steve at batsonphotography.com
Mon Apr 13 23:36:23 EDT 2015

This is not my end state, but to get my CoCo 3 off of the small TV I had it on...The converter upscales to 720p or 1080p. I used a short, nice shielded RCA cable to connect from the CoCo's composite and Audio Out. The downside is that the text doesn't look all that great, even default Width 32. The upside is that I can now see all the characters in Width 40 mode and probably be able to see 80 Characters across if I get the right combo of Foreground and Background Colors (still need to experiment there). The games look great too and I still get the Artifacting effects as expected. 

Since this TV also has a VGA input, when I get my RGB2VGA converter all setup and connected, I'll be able to switch the input between Composite and RGB/VGA as needed or desired. Can't wait for that.

On Apr 13, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Steve Batson <steve at batsonphotography.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> Another question, are you just porting BASIC Code? If you are doing stuff from Binaries like some of those old games where, I would be curious to know how you are doing it. :)
> On Apr 13, 2015, at 6:58 PM, Jim Gerrie <jimgerrie at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Mark, thank you for posting the correct Youtube link for POD.  Steve, you're
>> right. MARS.BAS isn't really new for the Coco (I should have mentioned
>> that).  It is just the Coco code, ported to Micro Color BASIC on the MC-10,
>> fixed-up (word wrap, bugs, spelling, etc, and a nifty new graphic ending
>> added) and then ported back to Color BASIC on the Coco (it's not hard, and I
>> figure some Cocoers might appreciate the tweaks).  Yes I've ported other ZX
>> games: 
>> For screen shots see:
>> http://faculty.cbu.ca/jgerrie/Home/jgames.html
>> DRACULA (Via a port to the VZ-200)
>> And DODGE
>> I think all these were either inspired by or drawn from code for ZX games.
>> -- 
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