[Coco] Drive Wire 4 woe's

Chris Ahrendt chrisahrendt at bellsouth.net
Sun Sep 21 22:01:18 EDT 2014

Ok I tried posting this on the facebook group and not sure people got 
what my problem is so let me try here....

Ok need some help....
I bought my cable finally from Cloud 9.... and after determining that 
the serial adapter from china was crap and went back to the one on my 
docking station I sort of got drivewire 4 to work.... I say sort of... 
here is the issue:

If I use hdbdos-20130922 and use the hdbdw4cc3 wave first when I cloadm 
the wave says its actually hdbdw3cc3. But when I exec it says its 
version 1.4 for the cc3.. so ok... have everything connected up have 4 
floppy disk images loaded on DW4 on my server in slot 0 - 3 ...

Looking in the console for DW4 I get it saying there is garbage coming 
over the wire.. and it prints the character... and I get an IO error on 
the coco. So I go check the settings... (I used the wizard to set it up) 
everything looks ok.. So then I reboot the coco.. and load hdbdw3cc3. 
exec and then do a Dir... and I type DIR on the coco3 and for drive 0 I 
get what is mounted in drive 0 on the server. When I switch to drive 1 - 
3 and do a Dir I get nothing other than it is blank which is not the 
case.. Right now I am just trying to load floppies not a hard drive 
image. What ultimately I am trying to do is put a blank dsk file and 
move all my 51/4" physical floppies over to the server and to virtual 

Now I go into DW4 and load the rom code from there.. its version 1.2 and 
same result as above where only the Dir 0 works... but when I try to 
load it gives me a file type error...

I would like to be able to back my floppies up to the server and also 
get the stuff I have on the server as well.... what have I configured 
wrong or am doing wrong?

Hopefully this is clear enough to understand what I am trying to do...


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