[Coco] DriveWire survey

CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts coco at maltedmedia.com
Sun May 11 04:34:29 EDT 2014

On May 11, 2014 4:24 AM, "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <
coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> Hi Aaron,
> There was no choice for Dragon as client in the survey! I think it
> deserves its own category and not be dumped into an "others" group
> with pretty rare hardware. Maybe even separate "Dragon 32" and "Dragon
> 64" since the former needs an inverting adapter on the printer port
> for bit-banging, while the latter also has an ACIA serial port that
> theoretically could be used (at low speed).
> Best regards,
> Tormod - surely on the behalf of many slightly offended Dragon users :p

I'll mark Dragon for you, Ken, and Phil.  Did I miss anyone? Or do I know
every Dragon/DW user by name? ;)

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