[Coco] Mounting CoCoSDC Disk Images in NitrOS-9

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Dec 1 07:49:11 EST 2014

On Monday 01 December 2014 00:32:06 tim lindner did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Joel Ewy <jcewy at swbell.net> wrote:
> > So how do you get the /sdx descriptors to point to a disk image file?
> >  Using the current stock nos96309l2v030300coco3_cocosdc.dsk the boot
> > disk shows up as /d0, "dir /sd0" or "dir /dd" results in error #244,
> > and I'm getting #247 errors on a disk image in /d1.  Do I need to
> > dmode my /dx descriptors to look like the /sdx?  Am I reading
> > "cylinders" and "sides" /d0 and /d1 don't think exist?
> The /d0 and /d1 descriptors go thru the old wd79x code. That code has
> for years calculated a track number and sector number and side number
> from an LSN. Stuffs them in the FDC registers, and expects the disk
> hardware to find the specific sector.
> The CoCoSDC supports that mode.
> But the CoCoSDC also has an LBA mode. The /sd0 and /sd1 use that code
> (it lives in llcocosdc.asm). A few days ago I fixed a bug that would
> cause an error going back and forth between /dx and /sdx. Be sure to
> update your repo. I should check the nightly builds and see if they
> are working.... Nope. Everything is dated April 30, 2014.
> http://www.nitros9.org/latest/
> I'll ping Boisy and see if I can get that updating again.
> But I really suggest getting NitrOS-9 building on your
> Mac/Windows/Linux machine.
> > Nick M. mentioned a manual, but I haven't found any
> > documentation pertaining to CoCoSDC and NitrOS-9, but I'm probably
> > looking in the wrong place.
> I found an outdated manual here:
> http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Documents/Manuals/Hardware/Coc
> o%20SDC%20%28rev%20A%29%20%28Darren%20Atkinson%29.pdf
> As far as software it looks like there will eventually be:
> sdir for listing disk images on an sd card
> sdrive for mounting, unmount existing and new disk images in the 2
> slots. sinfo for displaying which images are currently mounted in the
> 2 slots.

Kewl Tim.  These will be most welcome additions to our toolbox.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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