[Coco] Wayne Green, magazine pioneer, dies at 91...

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Sat Sep 21 14:22:52 EDT 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

PETERBOROUGH — An iconic figure in the Peterborough publishing industry, 
Wayne Green, died Friday at the age of 91.

A ham radio enthusiast who created 73 magazine in the early 1960s, he was 
one of the founders of Byte magazine, which eventually became the nation’s 
largest computer publication. After leaving Byte, he went on to found a 
number of other computing magazines, including Kilobaud  (later called 
Microcomputing),  80-Micro,  inCider,  Hot CoCo  and  RUN  before selling 
his company to IDG in the early 1980s and moving on to create magazines 
about music and cold fusion technology.


I really enjoyed 80-Micro and Hot Coco...

At one time, I subscribed to Kilobaud/Microcomputing, 80-Micro, inCider, and 
Hot Coco.

-[ Al ]- 

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