[Coco] Dumping a JDOS 1.11 ROM

Mark J. Blair nf6x at nf6x.net
Sun Oct 6 21:05:35 EDT 2013

I've noticed that my J&M controller came with a version 1.11 JDOS ROM, but that particular version isn't in the repository. So, I figured I should dump it to make sure it gets preserved.

The EPROM is a Motorola MCM68764C. I tried dumping it in my Data I/O 212, but it gives me a "Pin 23 error 75" error, or something like that.

So, my next idea was to dump it in place on my CoCo. Wired doesn't seem to like JDOS, as it gave me a syntax error when I ran the loader program. So, I tried saving the ROM contents under JDOS with:

  SAVEM "JDOS111",&HC000,&HDFFF,&HC000

Then I changed over to the FD-501 controller and used Wired to transfer the image of the floppy I saved onto over to my Mac.

Now I have a .DSK image of a a floppy with the SAVEM'd ROM image on it... but I don't know how to (easily) get the file off of the .DSK image so I can further massage it into a raw binary and an Intel hex file.

So before I go writing yet more code to decipher a DECB-formatted .DSK image, is there a utility already out there that will do what I need? I normally use a Mac so I would prefer UNIX-ish utilities, but I can also run WinXP in a virtual machine.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>

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