[Coco] Message Tree Hierarchy

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jul 24 11:18:35 EDT 2013

On Wednesday 24 July 2013 11:11:25 T. Franklin did opine:

> I have a question about posting. It seems that every post Isend ends up
> at the topmost post in the tree hierarchy. I?ve tried posting
> withdifferent e-mail clients (web, Outlook etc?) and still they all end
> at the top.My response is coded RE: ?. And I?ve tried to send in
> different formats just tosee if some meta-code is keeping it on top.
> I?ve also seen others with the sameproblem. What?s the secret to get my
> responses to fall under theoriginal post?
Since you are using NetWork Solutions WebMail, I expect there might be a 
follow threads option in your personal config, or something quite similar, 
that is turned off.  If such a thing is available to you.

That lack of control about such things is one of the main reasons I have 
only used a 'webmail' thingy 2 or 3 times in 20+ years online.

Thunderbird, which runs on winders as well as linux & newer bsd based macs, 
does have all those knobs to tweak. But those same knobs also means its not 
just a one piece of cake to setup.

Once done, I don't think you'll ever go back to Camels. ;) 
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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Cheers, Gene
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	He who blows his own horn always plays the music
	several octaves higher than originally written.
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dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
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