[Coco] RadioShack remembers the CoCo (on Google+)

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Thu Dec 5 23:56:02 EST 2013

Le 2013-12-05 à 14:12:00, Steve Bjork a écrit :

> This one is Shooting Gallery running in PAL mode.

Then how come it looks like it has more than 4 colours ? Looks more like a 
non-CoCo 8-colour mode to me. But fake screenshots were commonplace back 
then, for both the CoCo and Coleco... the difference was that CoCo ads 
cheated on the number of colours in hi-res modes, whereas Coleco ads 
cheated on the very existence of the advertised games. I mention just 
those two because they're the first two machines I ever used (when I was 5 
or 6), but it probably happened for more kinds of computers.

So, how was this screenshot made ?

Are we looking at the same one ?

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC

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