[Coco] A cartridge to hack

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Fri Sep 21 10:15:51 EDT 2012

Why didn't FLASH work? Even if you needed an external power supply to actually flash the chip that should be okay -- would be a form of write-protect -- no PS attached no flash! I suppose you'd need a special program to actually load the code, but that shouldn't be a problem either. Only one cartridge port can be, as it can be harmful pt plug and unplug devices with the computer up. Could always use tape if no multi-pak, but that's not a happy proposition! Hmmm... Drivewire to the rescue! Use the bit-banger for Drivewire, plug in flash cartridge, transfer data from Drivewire!

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 09:44:52 +1000
From: Mark McDougall<msmcdoug at iinet.net.au>

On 21/09/2012 1:26 AM, Juan Castro wrote:

> I want a simple thing: a CoCo 1/2 cartridge that uses a 16 KB ROM
> (C000-FEFF) so I can replace it with a socket and burn and test
> homebrew ROMs until the cows come home. What should I buy?

I designed one a while back and got a few PCBs made. Note I'm talking about
the so-called "Coco-Flash" variant in its EEPROM configuration (NO FLASH,
that didn't work out so well). It's designed to take 16K/32KB via a jumper

Details here:

Picture here of an assembled EEPROM board:

I assembled one and tested it. Works fine.

IIRC I had 6x PCBs made, and in theory there should be 3 left. If you're
interested in a bare PCB, or something assembled, I'm sure we can work
something out!?!

FTR I need to re-visit the Coco-Flash-2 board due to an oversight on my part
with regards to the design... one day...

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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