[Coco] 6309/6809 opcodes with mixed 8/16 bit registers

Harry Hurst hhos at st-tel.net
Tue Nov 20 22:29:33 EST 2012

> I'm doing my utility CocoDSkUtil disassembler, and found that the
> documentation I have is inaccurate and sometimes erroneous.
> --------------------http://www.lomont.org/Software/Misc/CoCo/Lomont_6809.pdf

I don't really know what you might be referring to in that document when
you say it is inaccurate or erroneous. I'm not that familiar with it, but
I can't recall reading about any other criticisms of it. What exactly do
you find wanting in the Lomont document? I assume you have already
downloaded the "6x09_Instruction_Sets.pdf" from this site:


It's written by Darren Atkinson, and I can't remember him ever being wrong
on anything, so I tend to trust it pretty much blindly. Please let us know
if you find problems in it.


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