[Coco] Help with floppy disk setup - first time user

Chad H chadbh74 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 31 20:17:40 EST 2012

Fd-500 requires 12vdc...so wont work on CoCo 3...unless you have multi-pak interface to plug it into?

Blake Patterson <blakespot at gmail.com> wrote:

>On Jan 31, 2012, at 7:37 PM, Robert Gault wrote:
>> If you plugged the disk controller into the Coco3 and the drives are connected to the controller with a ribbon cable, the drives should work. There aren't many reasons why the drives would not work under these conditions. But we will need more information.
>> 1) When you turn the system on with the controller connected, do you see Disk Basic rather than Extended Basic?
>> 2) What is the model number of the controller? That will identify whether the controller needs a 12v supply that the Coco3 does not have.
>Disk Drive FD-500
>> 3) When you enter a disk command, does any drive start spinning? Are there any error messages?
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