[Coco] Glenside's new website was:Good News

Tony Podraza tonypodraza at juno.com
Fri Dec 30 13:44:55 EST 2011

All  good points, Aaron.  Thanks.  this was taken from www.glensideccc.com The 21st Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
will be held May 19 & 20, 2012Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites ElginHotel Room Rate
$83.00 plus 10% tax ($91.30 total)
Saturday 10 am to 5 pm - Sunday 10 am to 3 pm or beyond
495 Airport Road
Elgin, Illinois 60123
(A city block north of I-90 & IL-31)
Click here to view map
Mention Glenside CoCoFEST! for our special rate the FEST! admittance rate is not listed.  I will get the info posted later (or sooner)  

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Aaron Wolfe <aawolfe at gmail.com>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Subject: Re: [Coco] Glenside's new website was:Good News
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 13:33:26 -0500

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Richard E. Crislip
<rcrislip at neo.rr.com> wrote:
> Ahhhem... The announcement is on the Web site. That's what prompted me to make
> the hotel reservation last night. So I am at a loss of what �is being
> discussed here other than the proposed update to the site home page.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but the group of people who
would potentially attend the CoCoFest and the group of people who
check the Glenside page of their own accord (or are even aware that
the page exists) are not by any means equal.

There has been a resurgence of interest in the CoCo and "retro
computing" in general in the last couple years.  There is an active
and growing facebook group, we get new people popping into the
coco_chat channel on IRC regularly, and we've had several new folks
join us on this list recently too.

It would be a real shame if these folks don't even know that our
community has a great annual event.  Posting an announcement on an
obscure website simply isn't serving the community well.  Limiting
notification to people who already know the event exists (and think to
check on their own for details) is a good way to ensure the event will
not gain new attendees and will probably lose past attendees who would
have come but simply forgot or didn't hear about it until too late.

I am not one to complain without offering to help solve an issue.  Is
there some mechanism for volunteering to help?  Any official stance on
how or where the event can/should be publicized?  Some transparency in
the event planning would certainly be nice.. I realize it's a
"Glenside thing" but it's so important to the community that maybe
some sharing of information and responsibility would be appropriate.

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