[Coco] Thermal Roll Paper for TP-10

Darren A mechacoco at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 20:35:41 EST 2010

On 12/20/10, J.P. Samson  wrote:

> <snip>
> I've put together a pretty complete MC-10 system, now.  Haven't come
> across any of the software packages for auction, though.  I'm curious
> about what other upgrades one could come up with for the computer--it
> never really received any consideration back in the day
> (understandably so).  Assumedly it would be possible to build some
> kind of ECB-like ROM, or perhaps add new inputs through its expansion
> port (e.g. joysticks).  I believe the CPU has a built-in UART,
> although it isn't wired up for use.


I'm very close to releasing a new 128K RAM / Extended Basic ROM module
for the MC-10.  Check out the MC10 yahoo group for more info.


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