[Coco] I think I hit a nerve with my CoCoList Survey on email.

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri May 1 18:35:58 EDT 2009

On Friday 01 May 2009, Jeff Teunissen wrote:
>Tim Fadden wrote:
>> Another option with a mail account at least for me is a web interface
>> for my email account.  I can go there first and delete the emails I
>> don't want to download.
>>  Although I have no problem with a 20mb down,  5mb up link.  I like the
>> forum, which I check at least every other day, along with the list.  I
>> have had better help/interaction on the forum than the list I must say
>> though.
>Except unless you're using something like Gmail, you then STILL have to
>download them, uncompressed, with even more HTML stuff added to make it
> purty for the Web users.
Since when is gmail all html?  That is the senders choice, not gmail's.  I use 
my gmail addy for several mailing lists, mainly because vz thought they were 
spam because they were linux based lists, not winderz.

I suck gmail using fetchmail just like I do vz and the tv stations account.  
Only if the sender sends pure html do I get it, which with this batch of 
lists, is pretty rare.


Cheers, Gene
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