[Coco] Fun things that can be done with a coco..

George Ramsower georgeramsower at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 06:59:21 EDT 2008

----- Original Message ----- 

> From: "George Ramsower"
>>  A Coco is a very powerful tool!!
>>  It's not blindingly fast, but it has enough power to operate some things
>> faster than needed.
>>  I have used Cocos to open and close windows in my house, monitor the
>> weather, page my beeper(that's an old thing), move objects and even tell 
>> me
>> when the sun has come up.
> Why in the names of Yeshua, Maryam and Giuseppe would you want your 
> computer to tell you when the sun comes up?  The rays blasting through the 
> curtains do that.  Unless you're keeping an exact log that you think your 
> local TV weather reporter is ignoring.
> To quote Ambrose Bierce (a much wiser man than either of us) from somewhat 
> over a century back:
> DAWN, n.  The time when men of reason go to bed.  Certain old men
> prefer to rise at about that time, taking a cold bath and a long walk
> with an empty stomach, and otherwise mortifying the flesh.  They then
> point with pride to these practices as the cause of their sturdy
> health and ripe years; the truth being that they are hearty and old,
> not because of their habits, but in spite of them.  The reason we find
> only robust persons doing this thing is that it has killed all the
> others who have tried it.
> --
> Ward Griffiths

 You made me laugh!...

 Because it was somethingto do with an LDR.
 Just for fun.
 It was easy to see that it worked correctly, yes?

 That simple little thing evlolved into a light beam sensor I used to detect 
someone in my area in the trailer park I lived. If the beam was broken, the 
coco, using a modem, called my display pager and left me a number to let me 
know what happened at the house, the light beam being broken was just one of 
the things the coco was monitoring.


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