[Coco] [Color Computer] Coco on the 'net

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Jul 20 10:34:05 EDT 2008

On Sunday 20 July 2008, Chuck Youse wrote:
>On Sun, 2008-07-20 at 09:25 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Sunday 20 July 2008, Neil Morrison wrote:
>> >Have you seen http://www.startty.com/ ???
>> >
>> >Neil
>> Interesting, I wonder what their business model includes besides selling
>> the networking hardware?  Even that seems pretty low key.  Nowhere on the
>> page can a working order link or a price be found.
>They're not selling anything.   All they're doing is providing a
>text-based Internet service to generate ASCII data for your display.
>Hooking up to the Coco or any other device is done through a
>bog-standard Lantronix or similar RS232-remote-management device.
>If you want to put all the network hardware and software in an external
>device, and hang it on a serial port on an 8-bit micro, limit yourself
>to a single fixed TCP session at a time, and then declare that the 8-bit
>is 'networked,' go right ahead.  Doesn't fit my definition. :)

Nor mine.  And is rendered even less interesting by not being able to ascertain 
the cost of such a hookup.  And, because it would be piped through an existing 
serial hardware port, that implies single threaded.  No thanks.

Cheers, Gene
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