[Coco] Hex calculator (off topic)
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Mar 30 19:56:06 EDT 2007
On Friday 30 March 2007, coco at yourdvd.net wrote:
>I can't be a Bill Basher - everytime I turn on the CoCo I am greeted by
>Microsoft BASIC :-)
Yeah, well on my laptop, one of the grub options is to boot xp. The
default is Fedora Core 5, soon to be F7 when its out. There is very very
little that I need that XP install that came on it 18 months ago except
as a way to let the dweebs at Circuit City verify that something has gone
south, like the dvd writer in it. I boot it from time to time to let it
call home and update itself, but if it tells M$ whats on the hard drive,
that might be questionable, I have the cd's that music was ripped from.
But to do that, it will have to read a linux ext3 partition, something
that I don't think winderz was capable of till a couple of weeks ago.
When I bought it, they tried to tell me the warranty was void if I
installed linux on it. Since I already had the receipt for a 3 year
warranty in hand, my reply was that it wouldn't hold water in court
because if you deny the warranty I already paid for, we WILL be in court.
The dvd writer died after I'd used it the first time with the 4L (genuine
lightscribe software) package for linux to write a picture to the back of
a dvd.
There were NO problems in getting it warrantied other than the shipping
delay getting the replacement drive, about 3 days, but I wasn't back in
town till a week later anyway, so that was another zero problem.
The replacement drive has burnt several more dvd's on both sides without a
So one can live in an M$ free world, my disk controller boots nitros9 by
default on my coco3/6309/2megs/1GB hard drive.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [Coco] Hex calculator (off topic)
>> From: "Bruce W. Calkins" <brucewcalkins at charter.net>
>> Date: Tue, March 27, 2007 4:53 pm
>> To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>> Texas Instruments TI-36X solar has Hex ability.
>> I have an old DATEXX Model DS-700 that does Hex, Oct, Bin and Decimal.
>> The coolest one (Sorry Bill Bashers.) is as close as your Windows
>> Start button. Normally Start-Programs-Accessories-Calculator. Once
>> open click
>> view and select scientific, then select Hex.
>> Bruce W.
>> > Hi. Does anyone know if there was ever a Hexadecimal calculator and
>> > where to get one?
>> > I know a spreadsheet is great for this but sometimes my job requires
>> > to do some simple boolean hex math in the field, on the plant floor,
>> > not the place for a PC, not even a laptop (unless it's
>> > dust/water/petro/food/scalding/freezing proof). A calculator of
>> > sorts would be great.
>> --
>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com
Cheers, Gene
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