[Coco] [Color Computer]Ira's Archive (trs-80.com) AvailableFor Download

George's Coco Address yahoo at dvdplayersonly.com
Sat Jun 23 23:36:56 EDT 2007

  I've been on this list for some time now and I've noticed that whenever a 
"newbie" comes online and gets verbal and/or tries to do something, that 
"newbie" gets slammed and/or  questioned. Then, after a while, that newbie 
is accepted and whatever the "newbie" is doing becomes ... uh... okay.
 I suppose this list is sort of a club, much like the BMWMOA inasmuch as if 
you don't own the object of affection and you are new to the group, you are 
not accepted until you prove yourself as a real fanatic(FAN) of this object 
of affection.

 I truly don't understand why folks don't accept what Hex Star is doing. 
He's an old fart just like most of us. When he announced what he was doing, 
I thought to myself that this would make my life more simple, as I would 
have to think less of archiving all this stuff for my own retro-computing 
 If each of us would archive everything we could find that was written or 
designed for the Coco, then there would be little chance that these tidbits 
of antiquity would be lost in the future.

 I mourned the loss of the old BBS systems that had files for the coco. I 
mourned the loss of the coco SIGs on CompuServe and the others.

 I rejected the new HTML stuff at first. This was the beginning of the 
demise of the old computers such as the Coco. Now I'm using the "New Stuff" 
and I like it.

 However, the "Old Way" is still in my heart and I respect anyone that is 
attempting to archive this stuff. I still use a CC3/512K and I still love 

 If there is a new or old, commercially  "for sale" stuff for the coco, then 
this would be the exception to any archival attempt. Cloud 9 has things that 
are NOT to be made as "archival". I'm sure there are others.  It's only the 
"Abandonware" that should be archived.
 I haven't looked at Hex Star's site, don't need to. If he has stored 
something there that is currently on the market as a "For Profit" item, then 
it should be removed.

 Otherwise....... Shut the heck up!

 Enough of this already. I'm tired of this bitching about what is legal or 
not. Leave the "New Guy" alone!


 Is anyone working on an OS9 driver for the X10 controller? I still would 
love to have one and I would PAY MONEY for it.


Now you can beat ME up for my opinions.

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