[Coco] Linux drive mounting

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Apr 24 23:27:52 EDT 2007

On Tuesday 24 April 2007, Roger Taylor wrote:
>Gene, I haven't gotten Samba working right yet.

What do you have set for a WORKGROUP in your /etc/samba/smb.conf file?

It must match your windows boxes, and you'll probably have to give it a real 
FQDN name, localhost should never, ever be allowed off the premises that 
motherboard lives in.  Not even for a windows box.

Change them all to "Rogers.Den" or something equally identifiable as you.
That probably won't get it, but it will be one step closer.

>Do you think RH9 can mount a USB-connected external hard drive, say
>at 25GB FAT32?

The fat32 shouldn't be a problem, but the usb chipset on older hardware could 
be.  I have a Tyan S-1590 board with a 500mhz k6-III on it that seems to fall 
over if anything that puts more traffic on the usb bus than your typical 
optical mouse gets plugged in.  My camera is a fat file system, and I can 
lock that RH7.3 box with newer kernels by far than your RH9 comes with, plumb 
dead in the water within 50KB while pulling a 600KB picture out of it.  Often 
within 5KB, so I eventually gave up.

The reason for the newer 2.4.32 kernel on that box is that I build kernels for 
entertainment, having written some scripts years ago that take most of the 
pain out of that chore.  For me, its edit the 2 scripts I use to spec the 
right patches, run them, and edit my grub.conf to add them to the boot menu 
choices & reboot.

This mobo, a biostar, has been plumb bulletproof so far.  A lot has been 
developed in the 5 years since RH9, and dependable usb is one of them.

>I'm thinking about putting my Windows/Linux-compatible HLA projects
>on the external HD (or even a 1gb MemoryStick Pro card w/USB reader
>device - RCA MM6800) and just unplug it from the laptop and connect
>it to the Linux box to build the same source over there.

That will work if the usb doesn't fall over.

>There's another idea, to gz the project's root directory in Windows,
>upload it to a coco3.com directory, then download the gz from Linux
>Mozilla and unpack, or better yet, how about RH9 accessing a 1gb
>MemoryStick Pro card and I could move that back and forth for porting
>files back and forth for now?

That would work rather nicely I'd think.  Cumbersome if samba isn't working 
but workable non-the-less.

>Btw, I downloaded the latest FireFox for Linux and it does not come
>up at all when you click the executable (firefox.bin?) file.  So, I'm
>using the stock Mozilla no-tabs version for playing around.

That firefox.bin is the executable that will install it.  Do a "chmod +x 
firefox.bin" (as root & obviously w/o the "") and then execute it with, after 
cd'ing to the directory the file is in, either with "sh ./firefox.bin" or 
just "./firefox.bin" which should ask you where you want it.  If you already 
have an old mozilla, have it put the newer stuff in /opt/firefox, and then 
extend your $PATH variable so that this install is in your $PATH as the user 
you normally run as, and it should just run.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Linus' Law:
	There is no heavier burden than a great potential.

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